Tonic Herb of the Month


Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)

Mugwort is a common plant that is found all over the world. There are many different varieties, but this post will focus on the one most prevalent in our Mid-Atlantic region–artemisia vulgaris. The species name vulgaris speaks to how common this plant is. In fact, it is quite invasive, but every weed has a virtue.

Family: Asteraceae

Names: croneswort, moonwort

Parts Used: aerial parts

Energetics: bitter, aromatic, warming

Actions: bitter tonic, carminative, nervine, emmenagogue

Uses:  Mugwort is the herb that is most often used in moxabustion. Internally it is used to counter depression and rheumatism. Mugwort will stimulate menses when delayed, stagnant or absent.  Mugwort is also known to promote highly vivid dreaming. For dream support, you can burn mugwort as a smudge before bed or put some under your pillow. As a bitter tonic, mugwort stimulates digestive secretion, including the synthesis and release of bile. It can be used to prevent and diminish gallstones. With an affinity for the liver, mugwort is cooling and antioxidant to the liver, enhancing hepatocyte function. It can improve nearly all digestive issues, from acid reflux to constipation, when used regularly and in small doses (3-10 drops of tincture).

IndicationsStagnant digestion, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps or pain, depression, rheumatism, sciatica, gout, tension, colds, bronchitis, and other cold or damp conditions.

Fun Facts: The name mugwort refers to the fact that mugwort was used in brewing beer before hops gained the monopoly on bittering agents. The genus name of Artemisia is associated with the goddess Artemis. It’s correspondence to Artemis is reflected in her silvery foliage that glows under the moon, in her action on menses, as well as in her spiritually therapeutic powers to help heal aspects of the wounded female, including marks of abuse from the astral body.

Contraindications: not recommended during pregnancy. It is not a nourishing or tonic herb so prolonged use and/or high doses are not recommended.

**This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease**


Community Medicine Making Circles

with Jen Halima

Create herbal remedies with locally grown plants.  

Classes will be the final Saturday of the month at Tonic Herb Shop, from 2:00-4:30

$45 per class 

October 26 ~ Herbal Oxymels & Fire Cider

Get ready for the turn of the seasons with an immune supporting and warming batch of fire cider.  We will explore various preparations of herbal oxymels and blend our own batch of fire cider with locally harvested herbs, roots and warming spices for each participant to take home, looking through the lens of herbal energetics to consider the ingredients we choose.

Read the details here



November 23~ Locally grown Incense & Smoke Bundles

Together we will make herbal burn bundles and incense cones from locally grown and harvested plants: Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua), Sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata), Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) & Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Read the details here


Food As Medicine Series

with Bailey Ballenger

This four-part series focuses on incorporating medicinal plants into food. Each class will involve preparing one or two recipes that we’ll make & taste together. Classes will meet from 3-5 pm above Tonic Herb Shop on the following Sundays:

Nov. 3rd~ Herbal Powders and spices

Incorporating immune boosting herbal powders like into baked goods, lattes & more! Featuring astragalus, ashwagandha, and cordyceps.

Also in this series:

~Herbal Infused Broths & Soups ~ Jan 5th

~ Infused Cooking Oils & Butters ~ March 9th

~ Fresh Foraged Herbs: Pestos, Dips & Vinegars ~ May 4th

Register Here


Nov. 16th ~ Herbal Cordials & Mocktails

with Meaghan Thompson

n this two-part workshop we will go over how to make an herb infused cordial for participants to take home. After a short break we will learn how to make herb infused mocktails for those who do not consume alcoholic beverages and will make some mocktail preparations for participants to take home. This workshop will be full of taste testing. Materials and some light snacks will be provided.

1:00-2:30pm~ Cordials

3:00-4:30 ~ Mocktails

$45 per session, or $80 for both

Register Here



with Silvy Franco

Join Silvy for a meditative ceremony to commune with Camelia sinensis. Ceremony begins at 10:00 am and goes for an hour. Pre-registration is required. Suggested Donation: $20

Register Here