Tonic Herb of the Month

Blue Vervain

(Verbena hastata)

Blue Vervain is a wonderfully relaxing plant with many uses. Native to the United States, Vervain is a beautiful perennial herb, growing 3-8′ tall. It prefers full sun and medium-wet soils. Often found in wet meadows and river bottoms in the Great Lakes region, Blue Vervain attracts butterflies and other pollinators and makes a great addition to your medicinal herb garden.

Family: Verbenaceae

Parts Used: aerial (above ground)

Energetics: bitter, acrid, cold, drying

Actions: bitter tonic, relaxing nervine, febrifuge, hypotensive, diaphoretic, emetic in large doses

Uses: a strongly relaxing nervine, vervain calms states of anxiety as well as hysteria and seizure. It is useful for occasions (or periods of time) when the sympathetic nervous system is stuck in overdrive, such as acute and chronic stress, or when body is shivering due to a fever. In fevers, the diaphoretic action of vervain opens the peripheral blood vessels to bring on a sweat and break a fever. It can also be useful following a debilitating illness to restore digestion and tone. As a bitter tonic, small doses of vervain are stimulating to digestive secretions, and decongestant to the liver and gallbladder. Vervain also has a reputation for helping to relieve hot flashes and night sweats.

Indications: hot flashes, night sweats, fevers, and any time the pores are tightly closed and the body needs to vent. Constitutionally speaking, vervain is suited to people who are intensely driven with perfectionist tendencies. These people often have very high and unreasonable expectations of themselves as well as others. Their strong mental and emotional focus draws energy away from the digestive and reproductive centers. And without that grounding lower body strength, they often overexert their upper bodies, resulting in tension in the upper shoulders and neck. Matthew Wood writes that vervain is for people with “strong above, weak below.” He also recommends it for women who have intense food cravings during menses (Earthwise Herbal: A Complete Guide to New World Medicinal Plants p.351).

Dosage: As a tincture, use 2-4 ml per day according to the British Pharmacopeia. Matthew Wood recommends 1-3 drops 1-3 times a day.

Contraindications: not recommended during pregnancy. It is not a nourishing or tonic herb so prolonged use and/or high doses are not recommended.

**This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease**


Now Enrolling:

Registration for 2025 Foundational Herbology is Now Open

This 9-Month In-Person Program begins March 15th. We meet monthly throughout the seasons to explore the elements, body systems, plants and medicine-making.

Early Bird Registration lasts until February 1st

Learn More Here


March 9th ~ Infused Culinary Oils & Butters

As part of Bailey’s ongoing Food as Medicine Series, this class will focus on how to enhance the flavor and vitality of your meals with infused olive oil and butter/ghee.

3 pm- 5 pm

Also in this series: Freshly Foraged Herbal Pestos Dips & Vinegars on May 4th

Register Here 


April 7th~ Herbs to Stay Moist & Juicy

Thoughts on Aging into a Fabulous Vintage

with Margi Flint

Margi will be sticking around for an extra day to share her wisdom on herbs that can help us all age with grace and vitality, and stay moist and juicy inside and out. Afterall, what is aging if not a process of becoming brittle, stiff and dry?

Herbs for building your own stem cells begins the journey.  Herbs for libido and stamina for all will be shared. We will cover brain, muscles, liver, skin, bone marrow, prostate and vaginal well-being.

Register Here


Nourishingly Divergent

This four-part series will explore the various forms of being Neurodivergent (ADHD, Autism spectrum, OCD and more) through the lens of African, Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic herbalism. We will learn how to support overall brain health by supporting gut function and deal with allergies and inflammation. We will explore whole nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices to address neurodiverse symptomology in a holistic fashion.

Wednesdays 6-8pm

April 9-30th

Click Here to Learn More


Community Medicine Making Circles


with Jen Halima

Come create botanical medicine and explore the foundations of herbalism. Build a home apothecary from locally grown herbs. You will make herbal oils, syrups, tea blends, tonics, nourishing treats and more! And you’ll get to take something home that we make together.

6 Classes, Starting April 26th

$45 per class or  $225 for the series (one class free)

Register Here



with Silvy Franco

Join Silvy for a meditative ceremony to commune with Camelia sinensis. Ceremony begins at 10:00 am and goes for an hour. Pre-registration is required. Suggested Donation: $20

Register Here