Tonic Herb of the Month

Rose Petal

(Rosa spp.)

Dubbed the “Queen of Flowers,” Rose has been a favored plant throughout human history. It has been cultivated for thousands of years, and has always been associated with love, sensuality and beauty. This materia medica applies to both wild & cultivated roses.

Family: Rosaceae

Names: Rosa centifolia, gallica, and damascena are the most common varieties used medicinally)

Parts Used: Flower & Hip

Energetics: aromatic, slightly bitter, astringent, cooling, drying

Actions: Nervine, carminative (aromatic), emmenagogue, aphrodisiac, antibacterial, antiseptic, nervine, anti-inflammatory, cardio tonic, vulnerary (heals tissue)

Properties: astringent, soothing, calming, uplifting, uplifts spirits, disperses melancholy, eases anxiety & tension, clear heat and toxins, decongestant to female reproductive system, nourishing to the heart & circulatory system.

Indications: as an aphrodisiac, rose teaches us to walk the line between fierceness & vulnerability. It softens our walls and encourages us to be open, while at the same time reinforcing personal boundaries. Rose has a profound opening effect on the heart and is a lovely salve for broken hearts as well as those who have been the victim of violence, sexual abuse or betrayal. Rose teaches self love and helps us to see the inherent beauty in ourselves & our surroundings.

As an astringent, rose petal tea can be used as a gargle for sore throats (especially when combined with rose-infused honey). It dries clear mucus discharges, relieves runny nose, brings down a fever and enhances immunity by clearing heat and toxins. The cooling, astringent petals are also helpful for inflammation in the digestive tract (IBS, infection, leaky gut).

As a cardiovascular tonic, rose can soothe a racing heart and strengthen the blood vessels, improving elasticity, healing microwounds & combating oxidative stress.

Its aromatic and dispersive properties make it useful in uterine congestion manifesting as pain, cramping and heavy periods. Irregular menstruation caused by blood stagnation. And it improves mood and may balance out mood swings associated with PMS (another sign of stagnation). Rose petal tincture is my favorite remedy for menstrual cramps.

And, its cooling, anti-inflammatory properties can be applied to headaches due to stress/high blood pressure with a pounding quality.

External Uses: compress for sore eyes, diluted rose petal-infused vinegar is amazing for sunburns, a liniment of the petals is good for sore muscles, esspecially in Pitta types, and for dislocate discs with swelling. A simple spit poultice is soothing for bug bites & scratches. A salve or paste made of powdered petals is useful for itching rashes and inflamed skin.

Avoid rose oil internally if you have gallstones. Because of its astringent nature, long-term use of rose may exacerbate constipation and dryness.

This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.


Community Medicine Making Circles

with Jen Halima

Create herbal remedies with locally grown plants.  

Classes will be the final Saturday of the month at Tonic Herb Shop, from 2:00-4:30

$45 per class 


October 26 ~ Herbal Oxymels & Fire Cider

Get ready for the turn of the seasons with an immune supporting and warming batch of fire cider.  We will explore various preparations of herbal oxymels and blend our own batch of fire cider with locally harvested herbs, roots and warming spices for each participant to take home, looking through the lens of herbal energetics to consider the ingredients we choose.


November 23~ Locally grown Incense & Smoke Bundles

Together we will make herbal burn bundles and incense cones from locally grown and harvested plants: Sweet Annie (Artemisia annua), Sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata), Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) & Lavender (Lavandula spp.)

Read the details here


Food As Medicine Series

with Bailey Ballenger

This four-part series focuses on incorporating medicinal plants into food. Each class will involve preparing one or two recipes that we’ll make & taste together. Classes will meet from 3-5 pm above Tonic Herb Shop on the following Sundays:

Nov. 3rd~ Herbal Powders and spices

Incorporating immune boosting herbal powders like into baked goods, lattes & more! Featuring astragalus, ashwagandha, and cordyceps.

Register Here

Jan 5th~ Herbal Infused Broths and Soups

Learn how to give your soups and broths extra nourishment through the addition of immune boosting herbs and mushrooms. Featuring Nettle, Astragalus, Turkey Tail, Chaga, & Reishi.

Register Here



with Silvy Franco

Join Silvy for a meditative ceremony to commune with Camelia sinensis. Ceremony begins at 10:00 am and goes for an hour. Pre-registration is required. Suggested Donation: $20

Register Here