Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is an uplifting and relaxing nervine and one of several…
December 20, 2024/by Ashley DavisLinden
Linden (Tilia cordata) is the herb of the month. It is a plant…
January 27, 2024/by Ashley DavisLion’s Mane
Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a shaggy mushroom that grows…
November 23, 2021/by Ashley DavisMistletoe
Mistletoe is an evergreen parasitic plant, found growing on the…
November 22, 2017/by Ashley DavisMugwort
Mugwort is a common plant that is found all over the world. There…
September 22, 2017/by Ashley DavisMy Favorite ‘Witchy’ Herbs
I have always loved Autumn and Halloween, even before I had any…
October 10, 2022/by Ashley DavisMyrrh
(Commiphora myrrha)
Myrrh is the resinous secretion of a small…
December 6, 2018/by Ashley DavisMyrrh is the resinous secretion of a small…
Native Herbs for Cold & Flu Season
Echinacea (echinacea spp.) Probably one of the most famous…
November 18, 2019/by Ashley DavisOats
Oats, oat straw or milky stage oat tops, are one of the best…
November 14, 2024/by Ashley DavisPassionflower
This month we are featuring Passionflower, a beautiful and supportive…
January 10, 2017/by Ashley DavisPlantain
Plantain is plentifully growing everywhere in nature here in…
June 11, 2024/by Ashley DavisPleurisy Root
(Asclepias tuberosa)
Pleurisy root is a cousin of milkweed,…
February 7, 2018/by Ashley DavisPleurisy root is a cousin of milkweed,…
Red Clover
Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a member of the legume family.…
May 3, 2023/by Ashley DavisReishi
(Ganoderma lucidum)
Have you…
June 27, 2018/by Ashley DavisREISHI: FOR BALANCE AMIDST CHAOS
Have you…
Rose Petal
(Rosa spp.)
Dubbed the "Queen of Flowers," Rose has been a…
June 3, 2017/by Ashley DavisDubbed the "Queen of Flowers," Rose has been a…
Rosemary is a well-known culinary herb with a distinct flavor…
January 23, 2025/by Ashley DavisSchisandra
(Schisandra chinensis)
Schisandra is a deciduous climbing…
January 7, 2019/by Ashley DavisSchisandra is a deciduous climbing…
(Asparagus racemosus)
Shatavari is an herb from the Ayurvedic…
February 6, 2019/by Ashley DavisShatavari is an herb from the Ayurvedic…
In honor of Mother's Day, May's Herb of the Month is Skullcap. …
April 30, 2024/by Ashley DavisSolomon’s Seal
The name Solomon's Seal comes from the Biblical King Solomon,…
June 29, 2023/by Ashley DavisSpirulina
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis & A. maxima) is a blue-green…
January 21, 2021/by Ashley DavisSpring Tonics
This is my favorite time of year for wild-crafting! So many edible…
April 3, 2023/by Ashley DavisSt. John’s Wort
(Hypericum perforatum)
An herb that begs to be recognized…
June 28, 2017/by Ashley DavisAn herb that begs to be recognized…
Stinging Nettle
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Nettles in Spring.
April 2, 2021/by Ashley DavisNettles in Spring.
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