
Daily Protocol for Winter Wellness

With so many amazing healing plants to choose from, and a never-ending list of health crises, how do you know which herbs to turn to for help? In a holistic model of herbalism, there is no one-size-fits-all protocol for wellness, but there are tonic herbs that are generally safe and have a lot to offer a wide range of people in terms of nourishment, energy, and increased resistance to illness.

I want to share my current daily regimen as an example of how tonic herbs can be incorporated into daily life to promote overall energy, strength and vitality without focusing on a specific disease or condition. This is meant as preventative medicine. Please remember that some herbs in this protocol have specific contraindications and you will need to do your own research before deciding to use these formulas yourself.

Morning: Adrenal + Immune Support 

First thing every morning, I start with a cup of Daily Wellness Latte– an adaptogenic herbal coffee alternative. It contains ashwagandha, shatavari and fo-ti, all of which are adaptogens and balance the body’s response to stress by supporting the adrenal glands. Adaptogens tend to strengthen one’s energy reserves and balance the immune system (both of which are related to kindey qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine). You will notice that many adaptogens are also kidney tonics in TCM. These herbs are traditionally used for preventative and chronic care and are not recommended for acute conditions.

As a mother who has probably had 5 nights of uninterrupted sleep in the past 4 years, I know that I need to do whatever I can to nourish my kidney qi, which is depleted by lack of sleep, excessive worry, and other stressors. This tea also includes herbs like milk thistle seed, dandelion root and chicory to support the liver in its daily functions.

Sometimes I drink this on its own, sometimes I mix it with coffee, but I ALWAYS add the following:

  • 4-6,000 IU of liquid Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a crucial for healthy immune function and has been shown to significantly reduce your chances of developing a respiratory infection (1). It is an important preventative supplement for anyone living in temperate regions and who spend most of their time indoors, especially for people of color.
  • 2 droppersful of Seven Precious Mushrooms tincture, a formula by Herbalist & Alchemist composed of medicinal mushrooms. Mushrooms are a rich source of immune-strengthening polysaccharides, which have been well-studied in their effects on supporting the immune system, and have a long history of use in promoting longevity and resistance to disease.  Like other adaptogens, mushrooms don’t simply stimulate immune function, they can also calm down a hyperactive immune response. They are immune amphoterics, meaning that they can work bidirectionally, depending on what your body needs.

So that’s my morning drink which covers energy, immune health, and chronic stress support. The mushroom tincture complements the bitter, coffee-like flavor of the tea. I enjoy this with coconut milk, but you could drink it black or add whatever you like to for creaminess.

Afternoon: Spirulina Lemonade

spirulina lime-adeThen, in the afternoon, I have been enjoying a spirulina lemonade as a nutrient-dense afternoon pick-me-up. I just wrote a post about spirulina, so please check that out to learn more about the health benefits of this blue-green algae.

The recipe is simple. It is:

          • 1 heaping tsp spirulina powder
          • juice from 1 lemon & 1 lime
          • 1 TBSP honey
          • 30 fl oz water

I mix all of this up in a quart jar, starting with the honey and citrus juice. You may need to add a splash of hot water to help dissolve the honey. Then I add the spirulina and stir. Once those components are well-blended, I fill up the jar the rest of the way with water, screw on the top and give it a shake.

I drink the entire quart over the course of a few hours directly from the jar. If you like, you can pour it over ice, but please do not heat it or you will destroy some of the vitamins & enzymes. Not only is this a great way to optimize your nutrition, it also helps you to stay hydrated in the winter months!

Evening- Intuitive Care

The evenings for me are the most challenging part of my day. From about 5:00-9:30 I don’t get much time for self-care and I have found that trying to adhere to a strict regimen feels stressful to me. So I keep it light by allowing myself to choose whatever feels most supportive for me.

This could be in the form of a calming nervine or a dose of CBD if I need help unwinding. It could be a subtle flower essence taken with a particular intention. It could be in the form of triphala tablets or bitters if I feel in need of digestive support, or simply going to bed early. A cup of golden milk is a lovely, grounding drink to have before bed and a delicious way to get turmeric into my day. Turmeric is warming and balancing to my cold constitution. If turmeric is too heating for you, gotu kola is a more cooling alternative.

This is the part where you get to tune in and listen to what your body is really wanting. Yes, it helps to have herbal knowledge in selecting the “right” herbs for you in that moment, but you do not have to be an expert to make these choices on your own. I recommend starting out by keeping a few simple herbs on hand and getting to know each one on its own before mixing them.

If I had to pick one herb to recommend as a generally safe tonic herb for the end of the day, it’d be…


Tulsi (aka Holy Basil) is an Ayurvedic tonic herb with a calming & clarifying effect on the brain & nervous system. It is also an adaptogen, but it it has a lighter and more diffusive energetic than other adaptogens, making it acceptable for use in fevers and accute conditions. Tulsi is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing, but otherwise has no contraindications.

or Rose Petal. I can never choose just one.rose petal

Rose is another one of my alltime favorites. It’s probably the most soothing herb I have ever tried. You can read more about the benefits of rose petal here. Rose petals infused into almond milk makes a nourishing nightcap that is truly divine. Check Banyan Botanicals Recipe for Almond Rose Ojas Milk


Not every herb is good for every person. Please note that the herbs mentioned above are generally not recommended for using during pregnancy. In addition, fo-ti root is not recommended for people with liver disease. Dandelion is not recommended if there is acute gallbladder inflammation or blockage of the bile ducts. Ashwagandha should be avoided by people with sensitivities to the solanaceae family. And mushrooms should be avoided by anyone with a mushroom allergy.

This article is for information purposes only & is not intended to treat, diagnose or prevent any disease


Spirulina, Chlorella, Klamath Blue Green AlgaeSpirulina (Arthrospira platensis & A. maxima) is a blue-green algae with enormous nutritional value. It is consumed as a dried powder with a dark green color. Chlorella (Chlorella vulgaris), a green algae is just as nutritious to its blue-green cousin, with a few differences in specific nutrients. For the sake of simplcity I will focus on spirulina in this monograph.

Spirulina’s nutritional profile is impressive. It is the most nutrient-dense plant in the world (Nettles is a close second, being the most nutrient-dense land-plant in the world). The blue-green algae is made up of 50-65% amino acids, including the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It is also chalk full of vitamins and minerals including B vitamins, carotenes, iron, calcium and chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll, which gives this algae its deep green color, is a key component in the process of photosynthesis. It helps plants to absorb the sun’s light energy and convert it into glucose.  We have thought that the ability to utlilize the sun’s energy was limited to the plant kingdom, but recent studies suggest that humans can also utilize the sun’s energy in the presence of chlorophyll.

“Here we show that mammalian mitochondria can also capture light and synthesize ATP when mixed with a light-capturing metabolite of chlorophyll.” (1)

This means that if we consume chlorophyll-rich plants, we too can convert the sun’s rays into ATP! How cool is that? No wonder spirulina has a reputation for being energizing. Imagine how much more energized you might feel if you drank your spirulina smoothie and then went outside to for a walk?
Chlorophyll closely resembles hemoglobin, a pigment protein in our red blood cells which helps transport oxygen to our cells. When we consume chlorophyll, we essentially replenish our blood and our body’s ability to utilize oxygen. This is why chlorophyll-rich plants around the world are classified as blood tonics, plants that produce more blood cells or otherwise strengthen the blood.
Chlorophyll also has the ability to chelate heavy metal toxins and facilitate their excretion from the body. And it is a precursor to the production of glutathione, a potent antioxidant.
That is all just from the green pigment chlorophyll that spirulina, chlorella and many other dark green plants contain. But spirulina also contains another pigment called phycocyanin. This is the blue part to blue-green algae. Phycocyanins have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (2).
So the overall properties & effects of spirulina include:spirulina powder
  • tonic for the blood & spleen
  • anti-oxidant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • hypoglycemic (lowers blood sugar) (3)
  • hypolipidemic (lowers blood lipids) (3)

These properties suggest that spirulina could be beneficial for the following:

  • reducing the severity of allergies and other inflammatory conditions by helping to detoxify, nourish and invigorate the blood.
  • improving overall metabolism
  • regulating blood sugar & triglycride levels
  • supporting weight loss & impoving energy levels

Consider adding spirulina into your daily life if you are are feeling depleted, sluggish or overweight, or if you are wondering if you are getting enough essential nutrients in your daily diet.

I recently began to add spirulina into my daily protocol (click here to see my protocol & recipes) and can attest to the significant improvement in energy that I feel. I use it as an after-lunch pick me up and it helps me maintain mental clarity through the afternoon. I am excited to see how this changes with throughout the year with increasing my time spent outdoors in the warmer months.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to prevent, treat or diagnose any disease.

Works Cited
